
Monday, November 13, 2017

Halda Star typewriter

Halda Star and Olympia SG1:

Mayan temple:

Halda portable (more here):

You can read about the Facit portable here.

The Star's rubber base:

The Star disassembled:


  1. Impressive! gotta say I love the badge for sure. I'd be tempted to swap that badge over to a portable Halda - it gets a little drowned out by the massive machine it's on :D

  2. Wow, Mayan temple indeed, hopefully no blood-letting required. There was a large Godrej machine at yesterday's Type-Out here in ABQ that resembles this Halda and the SG1, including easily removable carriage. Hopefully an interview video of it and its owner, forthcoming soon.

    1. That's neat, I have never seen a Godrej in person. I vaguely recall that it was based on some European design—possibly Facit! I look forward to the video.

    2. Joe and Richard - I lucked out and found this amazing video on YouTube -

      Check it out !

    3. Thanks, nice video! I would like to get hold of the book about Godrej that it is promoting.

  3. Great looking typewriter. I really like the typeface and the badge. I have a Lettera 22 that even after cleaning and lubricating takes a great amount of hammering compared to the great touch of many other typewriters.

    1. Sometimes it's just the way the machine is put together.

  4. I too have admired these from afar. A beauty built to last.

  5. i love the typeface, plus, the green paint and red tape combination is is reminiscent of the 1966-1977 Cultural Revolution here in China.

  6. To this day my chief typewriter regret was not snagging a Halda portable at a thrift store. It was just out of my price range. But had I known I still would not have encountered another one in the wild two years later, it would have been an easy buy. May the typewriter gods look upon me favorably!

  7. Snazzy! Looks great with that telephone on your desk, too.
