
Thursday, March 8, 2018

Report from a Remington 17

Mark's blog

Here's the Tippa in New York's Maritime Hotel during my visit in December 2015.

The Remington 17:


  1. Woah. Nice looking Remington! My own 17 is rather beat in comparison, but it types like a dream AND has one of those cool palm-tabulators. Don's Remington looks like something an evil villain would use. Awesome!

    1. Palm tabulator, that's neat — you don't see them much except on the Royal HH.

  2. Seems like everyone had a great time. Those are some great looking typewriters.

  3. Im looking for a rem 17 just like that one except with the metal ring keys.

  4. Those blue function keys!!! Wow!
    That was an awesome awesome weekend. And that Tippa is getting a lot of love, and not just from me but also several people who have seen me with it downtown. It seems to attract slightly more looks than most machines, and everyone is surprised by how small it is. It is clearly in my top 5, and honestly probably in my top 3 for favorite to type on!

  5. I just love the Rem 17, actually, make that both of these examples. I have worked on these a lot when I was employed by Rem Aust. Did you know that you can take out the type basket and keyboard like the Imperial 50? Of course, you will have to undo a few things first. LOL. Properly adjusted they are simply a beautiful machine.

  6. I think this Remington 17 model is one of the most successful typewriter designs of all time.
