The products in this store are all "old handmade". In order to achieve an old-fashioned effect, some rust, obvious welding marks, and imitation dust on the product are intentional, not a quality problem, nor an old product.
one typist in the 21st century

Monday, December 2, 2024
Intentional rust and imitation dust
Sunday, December 1, 2024
Thursday, November 28, 2024
The Underwood secret number mystery
Robert G recently blogged about the "secret" numbers you can find stamped under the left front foot on many Underwoods. I pointed out that there's also a mysterious number under the angular nickeled piece that covers the right end of the carriage.
Now Robert has started to collect data on these numbers. The two hidden numbers match in every case so far (though sometimes the initial digit is omitted on the foot). But how do they relate to the machine's serial number?
Here are some examples from two machines currently in my possession, both made in January 1925 according to the Database.
For some reason, the machine with the higher serial number has lower hidden numbers.
Tuesday, November 26, 2024
International typewriter no. 1 sold at auction
The no. 2, though also extremely rare and desirable, may be a little more common than the no. 1. At least I have seen a couple of them come up for sale in my day. Here's an example.
Wednesday, November 20, 2024
The Slow Communication Movement
Of course, the movement of slow communication precedes the Slow Communication Movement and my Manifesto. If we keep it slow enough, it will outlast and outwit the most artificial Artificial Intelligence that can be devised. But if, in due time, you'd like to write a letter to Mark Leier and request your own membership card, you can look him up at the Department of History at Simon Fraser University. My own letter of thanks is currently wending its way there.
Saturday, November 16, 2024
Late-semester jitters and typewritten balm
It wasn't long before some students started to drop by—just enough to keep us thinking. At this time when most leaves have dropped from the trees and the semester's grades are coalescing, many students seemed anxious. Some of them are nervous about passing tough chemistry or biology classes. Others are facing challenges in love, or are wondering what will become of them after graduation. They all appreciated our listening and our reflections.
Here are some thoughts I typed:
Saturday, November 9, 2024
Friday, November 8, 2024
Sunday, November 3, 2024
People are wondering ...
Well, this is interesting.
My recent post about what AI can't generate (namely, typewritten text) has quickly accumulated 19,000 views, almost matching my most popular post (on typewriters' Achilles' heels, posted in 2015).
This suggests that a lot of people out there are wondering: is there anything AI can't handle? And maybe their research will lead them down the rabbit hole of you know what.
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
Costume party type-in at TB Writers Plus
TB Writers Plus in Dayton hosted a costume party/type-in last weekend. It was a treat to attend.