Thursday, June 23, 2011

Typewriter Day video

For Typewriter Day -- the holiday celebrated (for the first time today) by typospherians to mark the anniversary of Sholes' patent for the Type Writer -- I've filmed myself typing "Greetings to everyone in the Typosphere!" on an unusual machine. Unfortunately my '99 camcorder chose this moment to malfunction, so this was recorded on an '01 (or so) cheap digital camera. Quality is poor, but you'll get the idea. And you can hear the combination of birdsong and typewriter racket quite nicely.


  1. A really beautiful machine, that Crandall.

  2. Very cool typewriter. For my video, I've closed the windows, because there were not just birds but also trains, motorbikes and dogs. Type clacking itself is also cool. :D

  3. Well done Richard - is that your oldest typewriter?

  4. My oldest is a Hammond 1 from around 1889.

  5. I highly recommend type clacking:)
