Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Who likes techno?

Update: all these typewriters have found new owners.


  1. Holy Gropius! Teutonic typographical cruelty.

  2. At first sight I thought "neat" but then read down to "brutal" and "harsh" and I have to agree. It's different, but pages and pages of reading in this would be daunting. . . Generous offers, though, to give them away.

  3. I like it a lot - somehow for me it is strangely calming, and it looks great on old tractor-feed paper!

  4. Interestingly (to me, anyhow), my mother's Olympia -- SM7 maybe, or SM8 -- uses this face. She ordered it special from the dealer, because she liked the distinctiveness, and ease-of-reading. I've been promised the machine as my inheritance, but this year it's going to be put to work on her first-ever NaNoWriMo.

  5. I'm glad the typeface has some who appreciate it. And ... go, Mike's Mom!
