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one typist in the 21st century

Sunday, January 30, 2022
The insurgency strikes
Saturday, January 29, 2022
AMC (Japy) with a special feature
Monday, January 17, 2022
Grants 737 Deluxe typewriter
It was over a decade ago that I last saw a Grants 737 in person—a thrift-store find. Now a customer of Urban Legend Typewriters has brought in one that needs cleaning. This typewriter was made in Japan by Nakajima for Grants stores in the 1970s. (For more information, see my post on the Grants 707 electric.)
This is a good typewriter! It's smooth, snappy, precise, and solid. It is actually a pleasure to type on—unlike the far more common Smith-Corona Corsair and its ilk, which it superficially resembles. The Corsair is smaller and lighter (not necessarily an advantage), rattly, imprecise, and easily bent out of shape. There's no contest.
If you enjoy turquoise plastic—and I do, since it somehow evokes my childhood—then I advise you to hold out for one of these.